Heart and books

I haven't written much last week. I had one of the most difficult weeks of my life. It was not very hard regarding the things i had to do. I knew what it was expected and what i should respond to. But it was difficult. I had some work problems that i had to be sure they would be solved, and they did. I had some personal problems that i had to attend, that i did but where only partially resolved. They will need a part two and probably also a part three.

I have a heart condition that i need to be careful with. My heart sometimes just starts running fast and doesn't comes down. Two year ago i was snowboarding in Sierra Nevada and i had ended up in the hospital (it wasn't the first time) with doctors trying to get my rpm's under 100. I was at 140 at rest. Last wednesday i felt very bad after a stressful three hours wait. Well, i know i will die someday, it can even be in the next second, one never knows. My point is that i am something, i want to leave something and i must do it slowly and fast. I must go slow or i will die fast, and i must not loose time or i might never to it.

Some of the most important parts of my life are the books i read and the books i own. I have some special books and i read some important books. I read classical books, science fiction books, and some not so good books, just to pass time. I read books to learn, i read books to be a better person, i read books just because i wanted to read that book. I also have some books that i own because they are interesting to have. I have three special ones in that category, one from 1903, other from 1940's and other from the 50's. They all are about textiles and cotton. I like most the 1903 one. It's about dyeing cotton with kaki dyes. It was originally written by some german guy, but the british tough it would be important for them to make an english version of the book. The reason was very simple, it was important to prepare armies for the coming war, and the new armies needed new battle uniforms that could blend more easily with the ground, and they couldn't allow the germans have all the knowledge. It's interesting to follow the arguments in favour of the kaki process against some of the new (at the time) synthetic dyes regarding colours and colour fastness and price. Which where more suitable for tents and which was better for uniforms. This book also has a lot of fabric samples attached. They are pieces of cloth with more than 100 years.

I survived another week, another day and somehow can still old in my hands 100 years of time. Just a small part of those 100 years, but even so, a lot and i want to leave some for the next 100 years.


Anonymous said…
I have the same heart condition, and those "taquicardiacas" happen from time to time, sometimes out of nothing others when I'm under stress. I was taken to hospital one time when my heart almost hit the 200 mark. It was really scare.
I wonder, do you take any medication?
Paulo said…
no medications, only avoid competion sports and try to relax now and then.
UmassSlytherin said…
I love this post.

I am also a great lover of books.

Good energy coming your way...

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